
Box of 75 JanoFilters Regular Size that we will fill with a mix of the 10 Originals randomly. If you have any special preference in your mix, (like all of them Smiles or half Loves and half Smiles) you can specify it later in the text-box that we have added at the end of the cart.

The new 75BOX is from now on the biggest box of JanoFilters, with front dispenser and refillable. Ideal for having it in home, in your room or in the main table of your living room. Also to take outside in your pockets or bag, altough you can carry as much as 75 JanoFilters, this new format is as compact and small as a tobacco packet.

No te olvides de visitar la página de kits de ahorro, donde te puedes llevar varias de estas cajas con descuentos extra 🙂 https://janofilters.com/es/product-category/kits-de-ahorro/


Filters made of 100% PLA, an organic polymer that has a porous and absorbent surface. Reusable, washable and completely biodegradable. Even when melted, it does not release toxic fumes. Also, if you lose your head and somehow you light it the other way around, or you like to drain your haze, you will see that it is an organic material due to the toasty smell when burned.

JanoFilters Originals con una gama completa de colores y formas. Rígidos como el vidrio y ligeros como el cartón.

The proportions of the Regular size filters allow them to be inserted into the filter of a cigarette, giving that extra point of color to your moments.

Through any of our filters, the smoke enters and flows free of clogging, while blocking the entry of annoying chips from the first to the last puff. In addition, the smoke comes out of the front face without becoming bitter on the way.

Weight 70 g
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