


The new 420 board game in an XXL rolling tray of 34cm x 27cm x 3cm).

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After months of waiting, they have just arrived! They are already here! The new #GameTrays from JanoFilters.

Instead of creating multipurpose rolling trays with embedded gadgets and therefore having to raise the final price of the product, for our first tray we tried to add extra value through graphic design, presenting our first 420 board game created to share and surprise your colleagues.

Elegimos una bandeja de estaño «común» a nivel de diseño industrial, para que salga a precio de mercado y que la innovación y valor añadido recaiga en el diseño gráfico de la estampación en sí. Pero como no podemos estarnos quietos… empezamos a pensar que necesitamos un dado para jugar a este juego, aunque… ¿Qué pasaría si las vendiéramos sin dado? Todo el mundo tiene un dado en casa y si no, en digital/online hay miles de dados que ya estamos en 2021… Pero a la vez nos parecía que era un poco cutre o rata, no mola comprar un juego de mesa sin dado, entonces… ¿Compramos mil y pico dados y los incluimos? ¿Blancos? ¿Negros? ¿Fosforescentes? ¿Qué hacemos con el dado??? Como no nos convencía nada y en este proyecto no habíamos innovado a nivel de diseño industrial… empezamos a darle vueltas. Y tanto darle vueltas, al final nació nuestro nuevo invento Gitari:

In tribute to the Sagittarius horoscope,
the centaur with the bow and arrow,
we conceptualized and shaped Gitari,
the spinning dice of our first rolling tray.
To elevate your gaming experience
to another level and get out of the ordinary.
Creating new ways of interaction
with your favorite board games.

Even the contrast, Gitari is a unique piece
where we cast the neck and crown of PLA
with the 3D printing tip in wood.
Revised and calibrated by hand.
One by one we have validated that they achieve
this addictive and silent initial twist,
that progressively evolves its sound
with a drum roll to a halt
showing the final number and position.

Looking to make a reminiscence
to the iconic sound of French roulette
spinning at full speed in casinos,
we tried to get Gitari to bring us a little closer
to one of the most representative symbols
from the world of gambling, luck and chance.
To achieve this, we designed this spinning top
arrow-shaped / mini presser
with the 6 faces of a conventional dice
and we dimensioned the mast of the arrow
so that the final piece was super experiential
and had extra functions and game modes.

You can find an extension of the instructions
and alternative game modes through this link:
or reading the QR included in the tray itself or the box of your Gitari.


1x Bandeja + 1x Dado Gitari + 4x JanoFichas, 1x Bandeja + 3x Dados Gitari Mix + 12x JanoFichas

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